Carlo Bernardini Ligh Tension (at Funarte, FAD Festival de Arte Digital, Belo Horizonte), 2012
optic fibers, video, light projection, 10 x 38 x 26 feet
Carlo Bernardini Light beyond the matter (at Basilica S. Maria in Montesanto, Rome), 2011
optic fibers installation, 112 feet x 38 feet x 2mm diameter
Carlo Bernardini Matter is the vaccuum (at Forte Spagnolo (earthquake zone) L'Aquila), 2011
optic fibers installation, 85 x 72 x 40 feet
Carlo Bernardini The Corner's Revenge (at MACRO - Museo d'arte contemporanea di Roma), 2011
optic fibers, stainless steel, 57 x 10 x 13 feet
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